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What makes Camp Stamp the premier travel camp for Jewish girls?
Many things....

SafetyOur #1 concern at Camp Stamp is safety, with a 1:6 staff to camper ratio we make sure all girls are monitored and safe. 


Fun! At Camp Stamp we make sure every day is a memorable one.

Each day is maximized to its fullest. Sight seeing, activities and smiles all day long.



Meals. All three meals plus snacks are provided throughout the trip. Each meal is nutritious and delicious (with the highest levels of Kashrus).

Inspiration.  Our learning program is one of a kind. Daily Shiurim prepared by our incredible staff members, workshops, and beautiful Tefilah stops enable the girls to leave camp stamp with heartfelt inspiration and a refreshed outlook on Torah and Mitzvos.

"Summer 2017 was literally the bomb! I made incredible friendships that will last a lifetime. I traveled the east coast and had a blast. We hiked mountains, went on the highest ferries wheel, went to tonz of adventure parks, and of course we had time to learn Hashems Torah! We saw the beauty of the world and I had many מה רבו מאעשך ה׳ moments! We packed in so much fun in a short amount of time. I made memories that will last a lifetime."
-Sandy Nussbaum
"I went to camp stamp  and it was the most amazing experience I EVER had. Camp stamp isn't just a  camp we are a FAMILY!"
                  -Dina Markowitz
"I went to stamp the summer of 2017. Although it went by to quick, it was by far the best experience I’ve had yet. We visited amazing sites, I made great friends, and have so many memories that’ll last me a lifetime! "

                             -Sari Peker

Last but not least: Family. 

We at Camp Stamp become a family.

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